Staging Your Home with an Office Space

Today, many of us are working from home. Because of this, having a dedicated office space is now a “must-have” for many home buyers. If you don’t have an extra bedroom you can turn into an office, find an awkward space that you’ve been unsure of what to do with. This can be a loft, a room without a closet, or an extra corner in a large room. Below are some staging tips to help impress buyers who want to work from home. 

Remove All But The Essential Furniture

Office spaces often become a storage unit. When selling your home, be sure that you clean out the extra stuff that has accumulated over the years. In the designated office space, keep only the furniture you’d have in an office, like a desk, a rug, and a chair. These are usually enough pieces to allow potential buyers to visualize the area or room as a workspace. 

Keep it Neutral

Neutral colors appeal to most potential buyers. Neutral tones make it easier for people to visualize their own style within the space. While bright colors can make a space unique and fun, use those colors for the accessories only. 

Organize the Space

Keep the space organized. Remove all items from the desk except for the essentials. These can include a laptop, lamp, organized pens, and a pad of paper. For spaces that are tighter, make use of the vertical space by putting shelves on the wall to hold items. 

Have Good Lighting

Place the desk in an area that shows off the best lighting. If you have a window in the space, face the desk towards it. Add in a desk lamp and/or standing lamps if the natural light in the room isn’t enough. 


As with any part of your home when staging to sell, remove personal items from the office space. This allows potential buyers to visualize themselves within the space. This is especially important in the work area since we usually keep personal documents and information in this space. 

If you don’t have a full room to dedicate towards an office, try transforming a large closet. You can paint the inside and rearrange or add shelves to create a desk area with organization options for office essentials.


Questions about staging your home to sell? Contact Blanchard & Calhoun Real Estate today.